As many of you know, OSHA requires that all companies with more than ten employees maintain a log of “Work-Related Injuries and Illnesses” known as Form 300A. After submitting our annual summary we are pleased to announce that we had zero recordable incidents or illnesses for the third year in a row. We attribute this success to our comprehensive safety program and to our outstanding employees who go above and beyond to ensure that safety is the top priority on all job sites.
All of Chapman’s jobsites implement a variety of standard safety measures including weekly onsite safety meetings, job hazard analyses, proper personal protective equipment, written site-specific safety plans, and pre-planning for high hazard tasks. All of these efforts are spearheaded by our safety officer, Eric Vogelsang, who makes safety an integral part of Chapman’s culture. As in years past, our e-mod rating continues to be below industry standard, a trend we’re confident will continue into 2014!